Daily Gratitude Journal

WHY this Journal?
Research shows that children who participate in gratitude exercises demonstrate more pro-social behaviour or kindness toward others. They do better at school and get better marks, are more resilient to stress and have a higher self-worth.
Today our children are exposed to a constant influx on social media, chats, and “likes” or unlikes. Some of this can be negative and have them start to question themselves.
This in turn, can lead to poor self-esteem and unhappy feelings. It is our responsibility as parents to guide our children through this journey and empower them with tools to help them navigate the ups and downs of life. One way to help them is to teach them the habit of daily gratitude.
This book is a guide to help you have conversations with your children about giving thanks. A place that they can journal and focus on the positive in their life. This is a sacred time with your child each day to connect, listen and understand them on an intimate level. Each day there is a place to put the date, what they are grateful for and a question to use to think about something specific to be thankful for. There is also an empty place to paste a picture, a photo, a cut out, or to draw a picture for your child to colour or a space for them to colour themselves. For the older child, it may be a place to write more about the day. Be creative. Make it FUN. Make it a special time for you and your child.
Just imagine if you did this each new year. Imagine the collection of thoughts and ideas you would have about your child through different stages and growth. What a collection of memories to look back on.

Purchase your own Daily Gratitude journal from amazon: